Before starting our research for this article, we decided to ask ChatGPT itself what it can do to make a marketer’s life easier.

In less than four seconds, we had an answer. ChatGPT said it can assist marketers with strategy, content creation, market research, SEO and keyword research, social media marketing (SMM), advertising, and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. Then it explained how it can help in each of these domains.

Assist is the key word here; although the tool can generate a lot of useful tips and templates, only you know the details of your company’s marketing, you drive the marketing efforts, and you are responsible for the outcome. 

Below, we explain how to use ChatGPT for content, email, and iGaming affiliate marketing, plus the factors you should always keep in mind when using generative AI for marketing.

ChatGPT prompts for marketing: Use cases

ChatGPT is a conversational model chatbot that can function as a virtual assistant, including providing users with information on various topics and performing tasks. It’s especially valuable for marketers, as it can speed up search processes, which usually precede any marketing activity, be that market evaluation, strategy creation, or campaign planning.
Let’s look at a few domains where you can use ChatGPT for digital marketing to improve your strategy and streamline workflows.

ChatGPT for content marketing

Since content marketing is about expanding your audience, establishing the brand image, and raising brand awareness, it requires a lot of quality textual and visual content to engage with potential buyers. Here’s what ChatGPT can help you with:

Content plans

ChatGPT can generate a content plan for your campaign that you can adjust to fit your specific marketing goals. Moreover, it can provide insights about content strategy specialised for an iGaming niche and help you check if your plan aligns with your purpose.

Copy for blogs, social media, and guest posts

With detailed guidance about your target audience, topic, message, and tone of voice (ToV), ChatGPT can generate lots of copy in a few seconds. However, you should always review and tailor its output to your marketing needs and communication style to ensure that your message sounds personal and appealing.


If you want to provide a lot of stats in a short and easy-to-read format, like an infographic, delegate this task to ChatGPT. It can condense and format textual information for you to proofread, copy, and paste into your visual block.

Content ideation

When you have writer’s block, the technology can provide ideas based on your input (e.g., goals, audience, iGaming industry trends) you can elaborate and expand on.

SEO and keyword research

ChatGPT can generate keywords to make your copy search-engine-friendly. Simply enter the topic for your keywords and specify their type (e.g., primary, short-tail, long-tail), and you’ll get a whole list to choose from.

Content repurposing

With ChatGPT, you can transform your content into shareable bits like infographics, video, and other formats readers can scan quickly. The best part? You can ask the chatbot to write it in different styles and set limits for output volume, format, and ToV.

Video scripts

Whether you use your own original content or need a script created from scratch, ChatGPT can generate a draft for you. You just need to specify the video duration, topic, and desired style.

Content marketing, however, isn’t the only marketing domain ChatGPT can help with. It can also level up your email campaigns. See how below.

ChatGPT for efficient email marketing

Email marketing targets motivated leads who know about your brand and/or have experience with your products or services. For this audience, the marketer’s task is to send out relevant, personalised emails leads will open and read. Email marketing requires a lot of preparation that ChatGPT can do faster than you can. Like what, you ask?

Draft email copy

If you provide enough input information, ChatGPT can draft sales copy for both hot and cold leads. It can translate your ideas into persuasive words and show you how your copy would sound with different styles for different recipients. This is especially useful for A/B testing when you want to compare how an audience responds to different drafts of the copy and which version performs best. 

Write attention-grabbing subject lines

For 33.9% of email subscribers, the subject line is what compelled them to open an email and read an offer. ChatGPT will generate enticing subject lines you can choose from and refine as needed.

Email marketing statistic

Create drip campaign content?

Drip campaigns are a series of automated emails you send based on the recipient’s previous response. ChatGPT is there to help you write a series of copies based on the recipient activity, audience, and ToV. 
ChatGPT can help you write killer content and on-point emails to pull off any iGaming marketing campaign successfully.  But that’s not all…let’s see how it can also improve your affiliate marketing efforts.

ChatGPT for affiliate marketing

The iGaming industry presents exciting opportunities for affiliate marketers due to its rapid growth and high potential for revenue generation. Affiliate marketing programs are ideal if you want to attract new players through personalised links. The process involves attributing the referred player to the partner who originally referred them. You’ll need a solid iGaming affiliate marketing strategy with click-worthy outreach messages, reliable partners, and continuous analytics so you can quickly adapt your campaigns. ChatGPT can help here, too, and this is what you can do with it, explained below.

Find suitable affiliate programs

You don’t want to partner with a random brand for the sake of partnership — you need to find brands that are reputable, effective, and relevant to your products and services. When you specify a query, ChatGPT will give you a list of the most suitable affiliate programs open to collaboration.

Choose the right product to promote

When it comes to affiliate marketing, it’s crucial to choose the right product to promote. Depending on your market geography, product and game catalogues, services, and audience, you can assign different product promotions to specific affiliates. And you need to know what works to maximise the outcome. ChatGPT assists in identifying perfect matches between products and affiliate programs, ensuring that outreach is effectively targeted to the right audience. 

All that sounds terrific, especially if you know how much time you can save by delegating work to a tireless chatbot. But don’t get too excited and hand your job over to the chatbot without thinking. Here are a few things you should know about using ChatGPT for marketing.

It’s important to…

… remember that you bear the responsibility for all the marketing activities and their outcomes for your iGaming business. You’re also the one who knows the processes, ToVs, and, most importantly, you know your audiences better than a machine. So here are a few guidelines to follow if you want to maximise ChatGPT’s effectiveness.

Double-check everything it generates. The AI model is new, so don’t blindly trust everything it gives you. Instead, use critical thinking, knowledge, and experience to filter ChatGPT’s results through a company-specific framework.

Personalise every suggestion audience-wise. In iGaming, it’s essential to personalise every suggestion to cater to your target audience. Whether a ChatGPT-generated marketing plan or just email copy, each requires a thorough edit for quality, ToV, message, and audience to make your company’s voice stand out. Plus, you’ll probably send it to specific people, so include the person’s name and refer to the previous interactions.

Write specific and precise prompts. The more precisely you communicate with the chatbot, the more precise the answers it delivers. So try to write your inquiries as specifically as possible. For example, if you need help with affiliate marketing, ask how you can use ChatGPT for iGaming affiliate marketing instead of typing “use ChatGPT for marketing.”

Be aware of the data limitations. The model for GPT-4 was trained mostly on data collected before September 2021, so some results may be outdated. You should keep this in mind if you’re working with trending topics; check that the results incorporate current information, and if they don’t, change it or add to it as needed.

Humanise the content. While ChatGPT outperforms humans in the speed of text and information delivery, it lacks a human touch, including subtleties of language and emotion that human-written text has and that your audience expects. Plus, it will most likely generate identical, somewhat general copy for the marketers who chat with it. And your business needs a very unique, human sound and flow to be noticed, especially if you have just started.

With a careful and thoughtful approach, you can improve your marketing processes, spend less time generating content, conserve your energy, and give the seeds of creativity in your mind time to blossom.

Wrapping up

ChatGPT is an effective AI tool for iGaming marketers who want to improve productivity and produce relevant client communications. It helps marketers conduct research quickly, draft copy for different channels and audiences, and generate content strategy ideas they can tailor to their business, goals, and budget. With your experience and knowledge and ChatGPT’s speed, you’re sure to elevate your marketing game to achieve better results.

ChatGPT also can help you to create content for automated marketing flows. Once you have the content ready, you can leverage the exceptional capabilities of the VeliEDGE AI-driven engagement & automation platform. By utilising VeliEDGE, you can offer your players an unmatched level of personalised attention, creating a compelling experience that will encourage them to keep returning for more. Want to learn more? Feel free to reach out to us!